Due to its research and teaching at the interface of engineering and natural sciences, the KIT Department of Chemical and Process Engineering is predestined for the realization of innovation as the third pillar of the KIT mission.

The main contribution are our graduates with their broad education which enables them to work in an independent, innovative and knowledge-based manner.

Another specific feature of our KIT Department with great importance for innovation is the close cooperation with the industry in third-party projects that are funded by the industry itself or by the public sector.

However, the innovation-driving activities of the KIT Department of Chemical and Process Engineering go far beyond these fundamental aspects. Examples and evidence are successful spin-offs and numerous innovation awards.

Publikumspreis für elektrisch leitfähigen Klebstoff

Für die Entwicklung eines elektrisch leitfähiges Klebstoffe mit besonders geringem Silbergehalt wurden Katrin Dyhr und Prof. Norbert Willenbacher für den NEO2023, den Innovationspreis der TechnologieRegion Karlsruhe, nominiert (5 Finalisten aus 53 Bewerbungen).

Für den Pitch bei der Preisverleihung am 30.11.23 bei der Fa. agilent in Waldbronn haben sie den Publikumspreis erhalten.